Sunday, 12 August 2012


So here is a small post about a fun shop we found in Hongdae. We saw the logo in the subway station with a map to go to SKONO. We had never heard of it before, but it carried the Norwegian flag as a logo. And sko in Norwegian means shoe. So we decided to take a look.

This is Frédéric outside the store. He is a Norwegian going to KAIST for exchange. He goes to the same university as I do back in Norway. He also blogs about his life in Seoul. You can follow him here:

There really isen't much to say about these photos other than that they did not have my size, and they had misunderstood and put Lego in the shop. Ida, The Dane i live with on home stay, got quite upset, and we told the people who lived there. We got to use the things we learned in Korean class, on how to tell people where you are from. Useful.

Frédéric is considering getting new shoes. He decided to wait though.

Here are some Norwegian style decorations.

Token cardboard moose.

The shoes were really nice though. Too bad they did not have my size. We should import these.


  1. Hei Hans Jørgen,
    Det er spennende å lese bloggen din. Jeg følger med, og har abonnert.
